Keep Your Skin Looking Beautiful No Matter What The Weather!

Written by: Beth Britton
Freelance fashion journalist and lifestyle writer. She searches for the best in vintage and bargain shopping for high fashion.

Don't let the snow on the ground keep you inside! While you're out make sure you are keeping your skin protected. Winter weather can really break down your skin's top layer of natural softness and crack and dry out your lips. A little bit of maintenance goes a long way. First, skip the hot showers. Yes, I realize what I'm asking, but the extreme heat can dry out your skin and zap it of moisture. Same goes for the heat in your house. Unless you add a humidifier to your bedroom an overly heated house can suffocate your skin. Momma was right...don't forget the sunscreen when you do head outside. The sun can be bright and harsh on a snowy day. Keep your hands soft and smooth and repair any winter weather damage with L'Occitane hand cream, $26. No one wants to kiss dry chapped lips so be sure that your lip balm has an SPF30, emollient protection. I have been using this lip gloss ( from Philosophy and love it! Be sure to take care of your hair and prevent it from splitting by using a leave in conditioner to regenerate your hair. Take a break from the blow dryer or set it on a cooler setting. Now's the time to try that all-natural wavey look you've been meaning to do. I have recently read about Mario Badescu skin products here ( that are great if you already have dry, dehydrated, or chemically sensitive skin. Show Mother Nature who's in charge and enjoy the winter wonderland!